Cisterns, recycled water Tecnotri Kits on grape Festival 2016. It's Water That Doesn't End More!

Come meet the new recycled water Tecnotri Kits on grape Festival in Caxias do Sul, from 18 February to 6 March 2016, at the grape Festival Events. With a focus on quality of life and sustainability Tecnotri presents the new Water Reuse Modular Kits and washer that capture rainwater and washing machine for you to reuse in several functions of your home like washing floors, cars, watering plants and even for toilets. With modern design, compact and very easy to install tanks of 1000, 600 and 150 litres can assist in the consumption of water and even help on savings of up to 50% on the account at the end of the month. Encouraging good practices that make a big difference, the Tecnotri presents on grape Festival 2016 these new tanks of 1000 and 600 litres 150 litres and Modular washing machine, all produced with antimicrobial protection, UV14 and additive chlorinator filter, which inhibit the proliferation of algae, bacteria and the Aedes Aegypti mosquito inside of shells. You can see the recycled water Kits, this modern system of water reuse in space of our partner Purificatta in an environment totally dedicated to conservation and water quality. Tecnotri and Purificatta, bringing sustainable and efficient solutions to improve people's lives.

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