From the plastic rotomoulding manufacturing process, we developed a complete line of products for internal, external and reverse logistics.

Pallets Rotomoldados Tecnotri Web

Plastic Pallets

Perfect to replace wooden models where hygiene and safety are essential. With excellent cost benefit, they are stackable and can be customized and recycled.

Cofres De Carga Rotomoldados Tecnotri Web

Cargo Safe

Segregate dangerous and incompatible products in the same container, safely and robustly.

Containment Pallets

Prevent the spillage of chemical and flammable liquids from contaminating the environment and people, retaining the spilled liquid.

Pallets De Contenção Rotomoldados Tecnotri Web
Contentores Bins Rotomoldados Tecnotri Web

Plastic Containers

Ideal for storing inputs, reducing work accidents and maintenance expenses.


Pieces that have dimensions, functions and textures that provide comfort, practicality and safety to professionals.

Ergonômicos Rotomoldados Tecnotri Web


Pieces that can be used as masseiras, basins or boxes for storage of stabilized mortar.

Linha Construção Civil Tecnotri Web
Pallet Unitizador Tecnotri Web

Unitizing Pallet

Unification of segmented loads in the same group of volumes, ensuring cost savings in logistics.

Linha Agrícola Tecnotri Web

Agricultural Line

Rotomolded solutions perfect for the transport and storage of agricultural materials and inputs.

Injet Line

Developed in injected plastic, these models show that economy and quality can go together.

Pallets Injetados Tecnotri Web
Hard Cases Rotomoldados Tecnotri Web


Developed to protect fragile and essential equipment for the job. They have impermeable layers and are ultra-resistant.


Reservoirs that capture rainwater for domestic use and storage of drinking water for daily use

Cisternas Rotomoldadas Tecnotri Web

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+ 55 (54) 999 597 996
+ 55 (54) 991 693 589
+ 55 (54) 991 914 126


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