Law requires Reuse system of rainwater in new construction in Lavras-MG

Water scarcity at various places on the planet is a constant problem and come demanding drastic measures of the population and the authorities. The municipality of Lavras, in the State of Minas Gerais, which passed a law determining mandatory collection systems and reuse of rainwater in new residential buildings and businesses. Those who do not comply with the law may be fined up to £ $65000 and the work can be garnished. In an exemplary way, Lavras-MG makes reference to the practice of Reuse of water. This type of precaution requires that the population make a more conscious consumption of treated water and encourages the search for alternative resources, such as the Modular Tecnotri Cistern, a water reservoir tank that is practical, easy to maintain and comes ready to be installed. Just connect the barrel of your tank water reuse Kit ready, working perfectly and saving up to 50% of your drinking water bill. There are several new possibilities in plastic tanks to capture and store rainwater, designed for your comfort and well-being. And you can even choose the color of them to integrate with the environments and or connect them in series, in case your need for water storage is greater, as is the case in residential condominiums, businesses and industries, where consumption is superior to homes. And yet: the Modular Tank Tecnotri is super practical, in addition to the easy installation, it also adapts to small spaces such as garages, corridors and terraces. Stay connected with these solutions there will be no shortage of water in your House! Cistern being installed

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