Cargo Safe 560 Thermal
Double Walls

1000 L x 1200 C x 820 A mm (external)
830 L x 1080 C x 580 A mm (internal)
500 Litros / 600 kg (capacity)

The Tecnotri Cargo Safe ensures the segregation and safe transportation of hazardous products in the same container. Without splicing or welding, it is resistant and immune to chemical agents.

With locking latches and stainless steel hinge. Stackable and palletizable, can be moved by pallet truck or forklift. With double walls.

SKU: N/A Category: Cargo Safe
+ 55 (54) 999 597 996
+ 55 (54) 991 693 589
+ 55 (54) 991 914 126


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