320 l Plastic container, certified by Holy Mass.

Santa Massa

There are 28 years ago emerged in the food market a company of great prestige: the Holy Mass. Based in Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, SP, Santa Mass gained national recognition due to the creation of the best garlic bread from Brazil. Had as marco, in 2011, the inauguration of your garlic bread factory using industrial processes and new technologies in production. In 2013 concentrated business efforts in the development of your flagship product, the garlic bread. Currently, the company is present in 18 States and 627 cities, always projecting increasing growth. The Holy Mass preached the values of hard work and commitment of its employees during the entire production process. In addition, the quality of its products to always get the latest for your logistics and administration. With a focus on challenges and exceed expectations, the company seeks the excellence of your management to better serve its clients, and to ensure such success, the company points out the importance of the use of the plastic container Tecnotri, which assists in the transport and storage of its products. The container used by the Holy Mass is the 320 l Plastic Container. The company stands out as a benefit in relation to the other metal containers on the market your lightness, easy cleaning and your geometry. For being a product from rotomolded plastic, your robustness, versatility and easy handling are the differential time of purchase decision. In addition, the Tecnotri Container has as advantage to microbial additives, which prevents the proliferation of fungi and bacteria, allowing direct contact with food transported by the food industry. Another factor of great importance that the company stands out is that the plastic containers Tecnotri prevent accidents at work, do not damage the floor of the factory and also has the possibility of leaks when requested. All Tecnotri Plastic Containers, as well as their other products, meet the specifications of Anvisa (national health surveillance Agency) and ABNT NBR 1642, Class 1, 2 and 3. Container BIN 320 l Orange-Tecnotri

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