6 Advantages of using Plastic Pallets in the food industry

Did you know that one of the segments of the industry that more benefits from the use of plastic pallets is the food segment? Split up some of the advantages to explain why.

1-meets the hygienic-sanitary national specifications

The rotationally molded plastic pallets are developed in accordance with the national laws of hygiene and cleaning, as Anvisa, the HACCP Plan, which includes a group of principles and detailed rules on the documents of the OPHP (sanitation standard operating procedures) and GMP (good manufacturing practices). Have antimicrobial protection, Kher, additive which prevents the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.

Plastic pallet-Food warehouse

2-assist and facilitate logistics management

One of the main reasons for the acquisition of plastic pallets is the versatility they have. Smooth finishing without points of contamination, are easy to clean, lightweight, constant weight and long service life, and may be applied in door-type storage systems pallet, Drive-in or Rack.

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3-do not require maintenance

The rotationally molded plastic pallets have high durability, immune to external agents, are monobloc, i.e. parts without seams, resistant and long-term maintenance, generating a positive return for the client on the initial investment.

Plastic pallet-Food warehouse

4-damage reduction in industrial process

Because they are structures developed in line with the national audit bodies, plastic pallets decrease operational management failures, optimizing logistic chain costs per piece.

Plastic pallet-Fridge

5-Follow the demands of the consumer market

One of the strengths of using plastic pallets is that they symbolize industrial modernization, as it guarantees the safety of the products allocated, generating a best service excellence and consequently rising to the company's reputation.

Plastic pallet-Fridge

6-economy icon

Due to extensive longevity of a plastic pallet, all your investment is absorbed, following the needs of the company in the long term.

Now that you know some of the benefits brought by plastic pallets for the food industry, check out the ideal model for you:

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