In recent years, the legislation for the transport of loads have been increasingly rigid and with an intense control by bodies such as the Federal Highway police, and health surveillance. Desegregation of loads can cause major logistical and environmental accidents, in addition to the loss of the product transported. According to Dr. Samuel Vieira, a member of the Brazilian Committee of transport and traffic of dangerous products of ABNT and consultant of Brazilian Association of wholesalers and distributors (ABAD), according to the existing legislation, it shall be prohibited to retain on the same space or carry in a same room, food and foreign substances that may contaminate them or corrupting them. The consultant also points out that there are products that cannot be transported without segregation, often due to chemical incompatibility. Dr. Samuel also tells which is the carrier's responsibility to ensure a good operational equipment for transportation, evaluating security conditions. With that speech, she stresses the importance of using safe deposit boxes in transportation and storage charges, because they allow the transport of loads of different characteristics. Seeking the best solution on the market for the carriage of segregated loads the Tecnotri developed the most modern and secure in safes. The vaults of Tecnotri Load meet specifications by ANVISA (national health surveillance Agency) and ABNT NBR 16242, 1, Class 2 and 3, in addition to having heat resistance, high reliability, versatility, being non-toxic, recyclable, stackable, long service life and robustness. Do not take any risks with the segregated freight. Ensure a cool and cutting-edge management to your loads. There are many possibilities in vaults and load thermal boxes available to assist in your logistics. Tecnotri. New possibilities in plastic. Source: