When we think of separate charges for the carriage of goods, often create a problem without a solution to low cost. However, it was with that in mind that the Tecnotri has created a product that possess the best answer to the question raised: the vaults of Tecnotri Load. The vaults of Tecnotri Load have some unique features and great relevance to industrial management, especially when analyzed the factors needed for quality. Because they are coming from rotomolded plastic, have great strength and versatility, and heat resistance, be non toxic and 100% recyclable. Regarding the issue of segregation, because they are products of high reliability, allow logistics operations involving different types of goods are transported in the same container. An example of this is seen in the company Martin Brower, responsible for answering and transporting big names comoMcDonalds, Subway, Bob's, among others. The company, operating with loads that require different temperatures and products of various features, benefits from the context provided by the Tecnotri, being able to reduce their spending on this transport. All Tecnotri products meet the specifications of ANVISA (national health surveillance Agency) and ABNT NBR 1642, Class 1, 2 and 3. Ensure the best cost x benefit for transportation of cargo, in addition to a threaded logistics excellence. Tecnotri, thinking always on the best solution to their problems. "Meet