Types of tank: the Masonry to plastic

In times of water crisis, one of the solutions is the storage of water, especially in rain tanks and cisterns. The reuse of the water makes it possible to the water reuse in day-to-day functions that do not require water, as in the wash houses, irrigation of vegetable gardens, gardens and cleaning in General. However you need to be very careful with the way in which stores water for reuse. It is important to be alert and to choose the correct equipment to ensure safety and prevent the proliferation of the dengue mosquito.


There are different types of tank on the market, and may vary from the more rustic models made in masonry, to versions from fiberglass and the most modern of rotomolded plastic.


Cisterna De Alvenaria Tanks of masonry can be developed from materials such as cement, bricks and lime. Normally use local labor, and a larger investment for your installation, requiring large civil works. Because they are large, contain an high level of water, therefore, need ample space suitable for your installation. Very used in the northeast of the country, these tanks of masonry do not have protection against the proliferation of algae and micro-organisms, in addition to failing to ensure the total closure of the structure, and can with this, compromise the content of the tank, and be a possible focus for proliferation of the dengue mosquito.


Cisterna De Fibra De Vidro Fiberglass tanks are usually associated with the plastic, generating a greater resistance to play however, these tanks have a simpler structure than the plastic rodomoldado. A lighter product and cost more accessible than the masonry, but which possess certain drawbacks in certain health requirements. The fiberglass tank possess poor seal, which can be a gateway to the Aedes aegypti mosquito, transmitter of dengue, chikungunya and the Zika Virus. In addition to not have filter for impurities. Also, many times, do not have antimicrobial additives or UV protection that prevent contamination and proliferation of algae in the tank.


Cisterna Rotomoldada Tecnotri Plastic tanks, in particular of rotomolded plastic, are developed through industrial processes that ensure unique features to products. Have high strength, versatility and long life being 100% recyclable and atoxic. Even more so, have UV14 and antimicrobial additive, which protect the tank against the proliferation of bacteria, fungi and algae, and are totally sealed, which prevents the proliferation of Aedes aegypti mosquito. Evita O Mosquito Da Dengue Due to the material of your Excellency and the diversity of models, colors and forms the initial investment may vary according to each product. These tanks can be modular, i.e. allow expand your storage capacity simply by connecting to other parts. Or even be a product ecofriendly, made of 100% recycled material as the Tank model Tecnotri Vertical Echo.


1000 L tank Exploded Filter Kit green Reuse-Tecnotri With differentiated design and capacity for 1000 litres per module, the Tecnotri Modular Tank is a reservoir of water that possess all the benefits of rotationally molded plastic products, and even more, it is easy to install, compact and totally fenced, and can be configured with the anti-folhas filter and chlorinator. Ideal for small spaces, this tank is widely used in homes, condos and even industries, assisting in combating the water crisis since your differentiated design, allows easy installation in restricted environments such as garages and hallways without having to change the local plant. The greater the reuse of water for purposes where it is not necessary to tradada water, the lower the consumption of drinking water that reflects on the high cost of collection and treatment for the whole society. Now that you know the main types of tanks, feel free to choose the ideal option, encouraging the rational and conscious use of water. "see
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