Coolers: Ensuring the safety of Their Goods Logistics

Currently, a major concern for the segment of the food industry is how to ensure a transport and storage of your goods without compromises them due to factors such as thermal variations and the spread of foreign agents. The solution? The thermal boxes. The thermal boxes help also for the carriage of segregated loads. Because they are products of high reliability, allow logistics operations involving different types of goods transported in the same space. Can be stacked without risk of accident or contamination, streamlining the logistics process.

Caixas Térmicas Tecnotri
th = "500"] Thermoboxes Tecnotri
for the food industry, a point of great importance is the need that equipment meet the specifications stipulated by ANVISA and good manufacturing practices. In the case of Tecnotri, which produces thermal boxes from rotomolded plastic, both laws are applied strictly, ensuring the success of the logistics companies and industries that use their products. Now that you already know the possibilities of the thermal boxes, don't get in trouble: discover what the ideal cooler for your logistics.  

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