The versatility of Plastic Containers

There are many applications of Plastic Containers. Because they are very tough and versatile products, adapt easily to different functions in relation to your usability. Widely used in the food industry, transportation, metalworking and others, these structures when developed from rotomolded plastic acquire great elasticity, still counting with the various benefits offered by this raw material, allowing your use in environments with Exchange of temperature between + 60° C to-40 C. Between them, the rotomolded plastic container as the Tecnotri Containers, have antimicrobial protection and additive UV14 , which prevents the proliferation of micro-organisms in structure, and thus have direct contact with food. Stackable, are resistant, easy to clean and maintenance free, long life. Very versatile, are manufactured in versions of the 39 650 litres, with capacities up to 1000 kg load, in various colors. We list here some types of Plastic Containers and its applications in different industry sectors, so that you can identify the ideal product to your logistics.  



CONTENTORES ABERTOS Built in a variety of ways, with the purpose of storage, especially for bulk products. May have or not cover, according to the need. Mainly used in the food industry, frozen fish, auto parts, delicate complexity products, etc. Some of these models widely used in the food industry are the 110 Containers, 300, 320, 600, and 650 liters Tecnotri. Contentores Fechados Tecnotri


Usually intended for the storage of liquids. Used with tanks of fuel, oils and corrosive chemicals. Designed for small and large amounts of storage. Examples include the 2800 litre tanks and reservoirs 5200 liters of Tecnotri.


39L Tecnotri-white container used for the transport of parts that need to ensure the drive hollow or restrict the quantity contained.


Are accessories that complement the unitizadores used in the production chain, made of plastic in several processes, depending on the customer's needs. Want to learn more and choose the ideal container for your logistics? Check out the link Here  

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